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About Us


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Our story starts way back, when...

Our story starts way back when Prophet Muhammad PBUH transferred his duties to all the people who admit that he is the last messenger we are the last ummah. 

The initiative of youth development is a youth-oriented organization working to develop the mindset of youth in the perspective of Islam and Islamic society, through education, collaborative development, and empowering the role of youth in society. Our objectives are to promote leadership in Muslim ummah, entrepreneurial skills as per shariah, research capabilities according to Islamic systems, and many more in a company with social, career, and interpersonal development as per the commandments of Allah talah.

Youth as Future Leaders !!!

Besides all the progress the world has made, something is not working, and we are failing to solve our development problems. Why is it not working as we want it to? Simply because we cannot solve current and future development challenges by traditional approaches as they are increasingly becoming more complex, dynamic, and unpredictable.
It is an important priority to channel the energy, passion, and commitment of youth into leadership roles to sustain and grow volunteer efforts. Young people themselves need to have a say in what volunteering leadership means to them. This calls for re-conceptualizing youth volunteering from the perspective of Islam and moving away from traditional approaches.

But who sets the new agenda?

“It is the youth of the world who can set the agenda for the future and pursue it with diligence. We must do all
we can to empower young people to take action because the future belongs to them”

~ Muhammad Nadeem Jahangir (Founder of IOYD)

Muhammad Nadeem Jahangir

This Initiative is to revive the mindset of the youth, as it was of the Muslim world that not only boosted the development of science and literature in every field of life but also influenced masses of people to believe in the true juristically proven concept of life in this world and hereafter. Our consent as an organization is not to demoralize the characteristics of humanity by practicing extremism rather we are more appealing to align them to make people reach their ultimate goals and better lifestyle commanded and practiced by Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Upon which Allah talah has completed his favor and chosen the lifestyle that comes under Deen-e-Islam.

وَأَخْشَوْنِ الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَمَ دِينًا

“… Today I have perfected your faith for you, completed My favor upon you, and chosen Islam as your way (way of life) …” (5:3)

I believe in what Quran says “you will be superior if you are [true] believers” 3:139

Join us to revive back the glory of Islam with not your charity but with your participation

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