What is Project ASHAB

– Association of Students for Helping Achieve Betterment –

This program aims to make youth practically upskill themselves in deeniyat and soft skills to lead themselves in their lives and lead Muslim ummah in times of crisis. Remember that this is not just for students, it’s for people of any age between 18-35 who have some experience working in the social sector as a trainer or youth leader or wanted to become one. 

We have seen that youth these days are so occupied with irrelevant stuff and practice toxic productivity.

Toxic productivity is essentially the drive to be productive at the things that are irrelevant to their life purpose. In modern time misinformation and too much distraction cause this to happen.

What is Toxic Productivity?

That’s toxic even if its productivity.

An example of it is that you must spend some time studying right now but you are busy scrolling your phone and its not in your control. You might be putting your all the efforts in some direction but that is not the right direction. 

Our Goals & Objectives

The primary goal of implementing an Islamic system in youth is to establish a just and equitable society that is guided by the principles of Islam. The major objectives of this program go in a few step,

  • To support community development initiatives by providing resources and guidance to local leaders.
  • Train youth and provide them the opportunity to train further young people
  • Network them with peers to strengthen their circles
  • Make them future leaders by running them through critical activities

What are Deal Breakers?

If you do not have clarity of mind about Islam and you do not want to invest yourself in this program.


You might have internet, Laptop, or time management issues. Also if you are not sure about this enrollment and do not see yourself gaining anything out of it you can leave prior this program start.

🎯 Because once we are on track we will not holdback in any case

as ASHAB we have four houses

Each house represents a different role and culture, house members are integral to their culture and promote it

How sorting is done?

Sorting candidates for houses is not in our consent, we have produced a system to auto-sort ASHABs as per their personality, traits and reasoning abilities. 


Therefore it is very mandatory to fill the application form pro-actively. 

Our Work Ethics

Punctuality & Attendance

Communication (3cs)

Presentation & Appearance

Competence & Initiatives


Your Questions Answered

No, there isn’t any fee for ASHAB but we have selection criteria, therefore candidates must be qualified according to that.

No, not as a group, each person must be applying individually and their application is treated individually. But, its an opportunity to make new friends as well.

Choosing a house is never in your hands, we have a systematic way to pick the best house for you and you cannot change it later in the fellowship. All houses have some core values we pick only if your core strengths lie in one of them.

Actually Not! As this fellowship is designed the outcome for this is very clear “TO MAKE YOUTH SELF-DEPENDENT FACE OF MUSLIM UMMAH FOLLOWING RULING OF ALLAH”. It requires at least a year.

Yes! Initiative of Youth Development provides ASHAB with every support they want from logistics to mentorship and more.

This whole fellowship has 3 major phases

  1. Learning 
  2. Discussing
  3. Performing

All these phases allow any person to become a progressive leader. 

In the Learning phase we have 9 top-notch trainings specially designed for ASHAB


In the discussion phase we have week-after-week meetings to keep a good grip on success KPIs 


In Performing ASHAB work on hands-on activities to promote change in their local circles and society for betterment. 

With the right mentorship, Support, and Community ASHAB will not only achieve betterment but will set a purpose for their life according to Allah in the 21st century.

So each ASHAB must belong to one of four houses. Each house has its house heads who are their instruction manual, their mentor, and their project guides.

After completing ASHAB Fellowship, ASHAB will stay in contact with us as Speaker, Mentor, Project Guide, Alums, etc. also will receive formalities as per the need of time as a toolkit for the future.

Here are the few things you must be covering before applying:

  1. Your professional Photo
  2. Your personality Type
  3. Answering the questions right
  4. Dedication to serve Deen-Allah
  5. Time management abilities

We use Briggs Myers Personality assessment. You can find yours by Clicking Here 

Submit your Application Now!

Our Achievements

Projects by ASHAB

House: Executors

House Head: Wajeeha Asghar

Contact: wajeeha.asghar@ioyd.org

House: Research Worms

House Head: Eeza Rasheed


House: Sneaky Wizards

House Head: Mishal Ramzan


House: Creative Masters

House Head: Joweria Shahid


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