Time to Revive

A Special Series that focuses on the forbidden sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him

Azkaar is rewarding in Islam

Azkaar is rewarding in Islam

Azkaar, or dhikr in Arabic, refers to remembering and mentioning Allah. Azkaar is rewarding in Islam and it is a part of Islamic worship and has many benefits for the believer. Azkaar can be performed daily, on special occasions, or during unique circumstances. What Azkaar is Azkaar is a word that refers to the remembrance

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Making Dua is Rewarding

Making Dua is Rewarding

Making dua is rewarding as dua is an important part of our faith and it is something that should be done regularly. There are many benefits to making dua and it is a great way to connect with Allah. It is also a forgotten sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. We all must

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