Who funds this Organization?

Here at Initiative of Youth Development we strongly believes that change cannot be happen without putting your all efforts in, neither education can impact with any kind of charity. 

Therefore, the Initiative of Youth Development is a self-financed organization that does not accept any kind of financial support from any 3rd party group of type Sadqa, Zakart, or any monetary funding with a specific purpose which do not align with the holy teachings of the Quran. 

The vision of Mr. Muhammad Nadeem Jahangir is to establish a sustainable youth organization consisting of people who are open to devoting themselves to Deen-Allah without asking for any kind of help from any source that has any purpose which may distract the vision of this body. For that purpose, financial help of any kind from any charity wing or organization is strictly prohibited under the name of Initiative of Youth Development.


“No education can be bloomed with Sadqa or Zakat. To keep the education pure and, unbiased we need pure support from heart, a heart that has good intention gets accepted by Allah and, that is what we need for grooming, growth and intellectual progression. What we are doing here is building mindset and we cannot take any impurity for this cause” ~ Muhammad Nadeem Jahangir

But, I want to contribute in...?

For people who still wants to contributes into this noble cause can use our contribution model. 

What is Contribution Model?

It is a simple model for people who wants to share the goodness. Consider two friends who want to eat pizza. Pizza cost 100 bucks while the person has only 40 bucks while there is person 2 who wants to eat pizza too and he has 60 bucks. 

To enjoy their feast together they decided to contribute their 40 + 60 bucks and get a pizza.


Just like both people get their wish fulfilled while both of them were not eligible for that. Likewise, to go in Jannah we need to share it by contributing our efforts together. 

It cost a lot of effort from each person who claims to be Muslim, just as Iqbal said,

یہ شہادت گہِ الفت میں قدم رکھنا ہے
لوگ آسان سمجھتے ہیں مسلماں ہونا

It is so mandatory for them to contribute in their efforts for good a single person has to do 2x or even more effort which by the contribution model feels easy and it serves the same way. 

Alright! Then how can I contribute?

Again it’s simple. One way is to dedicate yourself to us as we are doing other than managing professional/student life we dedicate some time daily for good.
Another way is to contribute money as the people who want to feast on pizza did. If you want to contribute money you can simply send the amount without us being known because Allah knows what you did and he is watching what we will do with that money. In this case, both of us are accountable for our actions for the sake of Akhirah.

Can I send Zakat or sadqa with niyah?

No! As mentioned above no matter what your niyyah is as you will be sending money anonymously we will consider it as a contribution and nothing more and we are accountable to share any expenditure sheets with anyone. All the contributions are devised to use for Akamat-e-Deen.

How much can I share? and what about if I want to contribute every month out of my salary?

You can share even a single penny up to the amount you are feasible with. The receiving account does not label anyone based on the contribution it is Allah who knows what is in our hearts and what we spend out of our pockets. If comfortable you can contribute each month.

If you are still with us here are the details to proceed forward

Coming Soon

Soon Details will be added for now you can contact us on whatsapp +92 311 422 4560

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